There are other means to contribute financially to OURF besides making a direct cash contribution. What ever way you choose, we can help you make a difference in the success of the organization and its mission.


· Pledge - You may chose to make a quarterly pledge to maximize your donation, while avoiding a year-end cash-flow shortage.


· Transfer stock - You receive a tax deduction and offset capital gains taxes when you give stocks that have appreciated in value. Consider donating stocks that do not meet your criteria for social responsibility and we will convert them into positive action.


· Bequest - When preparing or revising your will, you can make a lasting gift to OURF by designating it as a recipient of part of your estate.


· Trusts - Certain trust actions may reduce your taxes now or in the future, while supporting OURF. We can work with you and/or your financial advisor to set up such an arrangement.


· Life insurance, IRAs or pension plans - You may list OURF as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA, or pension plan. This affords tax advantages and allows you to give a larger gift than you might otherwise be able to.


· Memorial - You may honor a friend or a loved one with a memorial gift that can act on his or her beliefs.


· Take advantage of employer matching funds - If your employer has a policy of matching charitable contributions your donation to OURF would automatically increase..


Email OURF at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you would like to arrange for one or more of these alternative forms of contribution.